Thursday, February 7, 2019

Trump's first draft State of the Union Address

We are not at liberty to say how, but Fryday has acquired what is believed to be an early draft of President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address. We cannot vouch for authenticity, but it appears to be in his hand-writing and the frequent spelling errors, which for the sake of context we have not corrected, suggest it is his work alone.

Draft State of the Union Addres 2019
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America.

My fellow Americans
I stand before both houses today…
No, I don’t need an introduction, Nancy. Everybody knows me.
I am very famous. Yes, I am.
My fellow Americans. I stand before you today as your President not just of these great United States of ours. But of the free world.
In less than three short years I have become the most respected President the world has ever known…ever.
I have brought peace to the world by putting those who would threaten America on notice that fire will rain down on them.
A fire like they have never seen before.
I have spent more on the defence of our great country than any President in history.
I have given the brave men and women of our armed services the great resolve and weapons that have made us the greatest power the world has known.
Yes, we are. Great, isn’t it?
It is
Europe, Canada, Mexico-they cannot longer be in any doubt that America will act and act decisively if we are threatened.
And I have told our friends that they no longer have anything to fear from us. Russia and North Korea know that America is bringing the world into a great error of peace.
The greatest error of peace the world has known. Yes, it is.
The American economy and American jobs are the best they have ever been.
I have created 1.5 million new jobs. Yes, I have. Great, isn’t it? Yes, it is.
I have brought the car industry back to America.
We are producing more televisions sets than ever.
Reality television which, let’s face it, I created—is thriving.
I have transformed our environment.
I am told that for the first time in years the wholly mamoth has returned to Alaska.
The world is getting warmer so that we can spend more time on the golf course.
I have drained the swamp here in Washington and that has made Washington a lot healthyer for everybody.
I am told that Washington has never been so safe since the White House was occupied by our first President, Andrew Jackson.
And by the way, here in the United States, the women are getting prettier by the day.
Yes, they are.
None of which would be possible without strong, decisive leadership and the support of the great American people. 
Yes, we have.
It’s true.
But even a great President like me and with the great American people fully behind him could not have achieved what I have achieved without the support of a woman. America is hugely grateful, I can tell you, to that woman—my daughter Ivanka.
She’s great, isn’t she?
Yes, she is.
Sit down, darling.
To my Vice-President Mike Pence. Thank you, Mike—you make me look good.
Great, isn’t he?
Last of all, I want to thank the news media.
Your fake news, your lies, your bimbo newsreaders are why you are failing.
CNN viewership has fallen by 68%.
The Washington Post’s circulation is the lowest its been since 1803.
The New Your Times is about to go bankrupt. Yes, it is.
Yet through you’re lies you have shown the American people that the only credable news outlets are Fox and Twitter.
Yes, you have.
My fellow Americans… I stand before you a humble President—the most humble President America has ever had.
God bless you.
And God bless Russia….America.

Delivery time without applause: 10 minutes.
Delivery time with applause: 58 minutes (est).

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