Friday, February 15, 2019

Love is all around

Probably the only people truly to have misgivings about St Valentine’s Day were the seven members and associates of the North Side gang for whom St Valentine’s Day 1929 was their last day.
For the rest of us it comes and goes each year and it is over to each of us to decide whether or not we observe it. Usually, I don’t. 
If I were a romantic, I would explain that away by suggesting that, for me, romance is a daily infusion and I see no reason to confine it to a single day. More cynically I could state that I have plenty of other things on which to spend my time and money than an homage to a long-dead martyr who couldn’t get his act together.
Besides, I still have memories of a few years back trying to explain to my wife why I received three anonymous valentine’s cards, none of which came from her.
But if Valentine’s Day is your thing, don’t let me persuade you differently. I am at best ambivalent about it, but I can understand why others would take the opportunity to express their love. Al Capone certainly used the day to tell the North Side gang what he thought of them.
What is remarkable is how widespread Valentine’s Day is, even in non-Christian countries. Among them Japan, Iraq, Philippines and India. In that regard it could be said that an obscure third-century priest from Rome has been more universally accepted than Jesus.
Or is it just that there is a greater acceptance of Paul McCartney’s edict that “All You Need Is Love.” Fortunately, there is a lot of it around.


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