Friday, February 22, 2019

Water water everywhere

In which I save the Council from an ill-conceived and premature ejaculation.

In the area in which I live we have had a prolonged period of dry weather. I wouldn’t call it a drought, I am not even sure I know the definition of drought, but for those of us who rely on rain to fill our tanks it was pretty dire.
However, today and for a couple of days last week we it rained. This weekend that rain is forecast to continue and may even, we are warned, be heavy to severe.
Cumulatively, the bouts of rain should be enough to replenish our tanks and obviate the need and expense of having them filled by a water contractor.
That is a relief because the local council warned in a media release this month that it would refuse water contractors access to the council’s water treatment plants if the dry conditions persisted.
Which begs the question: where were we who are not on town supply going to get our water if the council decided to impose that restriction?
We could of course buy bottled water for drinking purposes, but bathing and showering would be problematic and using it for washing would be expensive.
But, no matter—water has arrived, the problem is gone and the council (and we) won’t have to suffer from its ill-conceived and possibly premature ejaculation.
As for me, a glass-half-full kind of guy who always looks on the bright side of life, both my glass and my tank runneth over, as I knew would happen…the day I ordered a tanker-load delivered.


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