Friday, May 13, 2016

As Cecil C. Sackrider Sees It: America Will Be Held To Account.

And America will be held to account.
I see it.
America must be judged. But I will delay it just a while.
Because, I want to gather you in, as many of you as I can.
There is not much more time to be heard.
Some of you have been playing at the edges for a long time.
I am telling you that you had better get in.
The storm is coming.
The storm is coming.
I feel it.
I sense it
I know what I am talking about.
Donald Trump is coming.
Winter is coming.
This is the time. This is the moment. Get right with God.
Set your house in order. Make your erection sure. Your election sure.
Come into the arc.
You hear me?
Come into the arc.
The rains are coming. They storm is coming. The lightning is coming.
Donald trump is coming.
God plainly told us he is coming.
You had better hurry. The lightning is flashing. The thunder is rolling.
The Holy Ghost is saying you had better hurry. Hurry
All aboard. All aboard
The saviour ship is here.
All aboard. All aboard
The storm is coming.
Donald Trump is coming.
Winter is coming.

•    Tickets for the Saviour Ship are just $499.99 for a limited time only. Send a check or money order to the Cecil C. Sackrider Ministry 1069E West 35 Street Montgomery Alabama United States of America, Zip Code 666.  Checks should be made out to CASH (Congregation Against Satan’s Handiwork). All donations over US$50,000 go into the draw to win a personal phone call from Our Lord, as delivered by Pastor Sackrider.

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