Friday, May 20, 2016

What Kim Jong-un tells us about Donald Trump

Presumptive presidential contender Donald Trump says he is prepared to meet North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Would we characterise such a meeting as the summit of silly hairstyles: the silliest meets the second silliest? I will leave you to determine who’s first.
But who gains from such meeting? Well, probably both men. Kim Jong-un, using the perverse logic that governs much of what he does, may feel that meeting a presidential contender gives his presidency international legitimacy—though, perversely, he doesn’t seem to care or want it. Donald Trump may feel that meeting the world’s most troublesome leader gives his candidature international gravitas, though, perversely, he doesn’t seem to care or want it. Or perhaps Trump simply wants to plant in Kim Jong-un’s mind the idea of building a wall between North Korea and those pesky southerners. Walls are good and, depending on their location, multipurpose—on the Mexican border they are good for keeping people out; in North Korea they are good for keeping people in.
But the main reason for a visit, says Trump (69), is that he believes he can talk “some sense” into the young dictator. Good luck with that—Kim Jong-un (33) acts and is little more than a petulant child—albeit a dangerous one. Trump may have more luck in his second hypothesis—getting North Korea’s only ally, China, to talk some sense into Jong-un. After all, Trump “loves” Chinese (and they of course love him)—it’s where he gets his Trump-brand shirts and ties made. Of course such a meeting—whilst likely attractive to both men—is unlikely. Kim Jong-un never leaves North Korea, even to visit China, and The Don expects the world to come to him, not the other way around.
So why is Trump postulating such an idea? Probably for that very reason—it is unlikely to happen and is therefore low-risk grandstanding on a grand scale. I doubt he would have got the same coverage had he stated his preparedness and preference to meet John Key, or my good friend Yoseph Wankerstan of Wogistan.
And there I think lies, on an as yet a small scale, the reason Donald Trump may be potentially a greater danger to the world than Kim Jong-un ever will. I believe Donald Trump has a low boredom threshold. And when he reaches it, crosses it, he does or says something outlandish—just to liven things up. At the moment that doesn’t matter. He is little more than good for a laugh. As is Kim Jong-un, unless you are living under his brutal dictatorship. But imagine what it would be like if Donald Trump became President and in charge of the world’s largest and best-equipped military monolith. What in his boredom could he do with that? Outlandish hypothesise, you say? Checks and balances, you state? Perhaps. But think upon this: Americans voted in a President (George W. Bush)who took his country to war on the basis of little more than God and the oil barons telling him to do so. Is the idea of a megalomaniac such as Donald Trump getting bored and wanting to make a big statement any less outlandish?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. What do I know? What do you know? What does anyone know about what goes on inside Donald Trump’s head.
At the moment, we seem more interested in what is on top of it.
But that could change.

Friday, May 13, 2016

As Cecil C. Sackrider Sees It: America Will Be Held To Account.

And America will be held to account.
I see it.
America must be judged. But I will delay it just a while.
Because, I want to gather you in, as many of you as I can.
There is not much more time to be heard.
Some of you have been playing at the edges for a long time.
I am telling you that you had better get in.
The storm is coming.
The storm is coming.
I feel it.
I sense it
I know what I am talking about.
Donald Trump is coming.
Winter is coming.
This is the time. This is the moment. Get right with God.
Set your house in order. Make your erection sure. Your election sure.
Come into the arc.
You hear me?
Come into the arc.
The rains are coming. They storm is coming. The lightning is coming.
Donald trump is coming.
God plainly told us he is coming.
You had better hurry. The lightning is flashing. The thunder is rolling.
The Holy Ghost is saying you had better hurry. Hurry
All aboard. All aboard
The saviour ship is here.
All aboard. All aboard
The storm is coming.
Donald Trump is coming.
Winter is coming.

•    Tickets for the Saviour Ship are just $499.99 for a limited time only. Send a check or money order to the Cecil C. Sackrider Ministry 1069E West 35 Street Montgomery Alabama United States of America, Zip Code 666.  Checks should be made out to CASH (Congregation Against Satan’s Handiwork). All donations over US$50,000 go into the draw to win a personal phone call from Our Lord, as delivered by Pastor Sackrider.

Friday, May 6, 2016

When Whetu calls: Trumpo! My man!

Trumpo! My man!
Kia ora Bro.
Awesome congrats on being elected President.
We fellas reckon youse got what it takes to be a bro, specially for a white fella
Youse sees whats wrong with Earth an youse sees ways to fix it.
That’s awesome.
So, me and the bros got an offer for you.
An offer that as that other fella said you can’t refuse…to.
We make you Paramount Chief of Ngati Parrie
That makes you the man!!!!
You get to lead all the stuff.
You get the first choice of kai.
You get the best toke.
Room of your own.
Everything you not get as President. ‘Cept maybe the toke.
All it takes is a bit of koha.
One million dollars sound alright to you?
Cash is good.
Let us know know when you can make it.
I’ll tell the man on the gate to watch out for you.

Kia ora,
Whetu Sullivan

Why is Trump Trying to Explain this Crash?

  It is rare for Fryday to cover the same subject two weeks in a row, but President Donald J. Trump's pontifications ...