Friday, February 21, 2014

With love from Wogistan (you know who you are).

The Democratic Republic of Wogistan (Inc.)
Office of the Foreign Secretary
123 Bruce Springsteen Boulevard (third door on right). Telephone: 125.
Email: Info@officeoftheforeignsecretary.govt.wg

Her Serene Highness
The Queen of England and other Countries not U.S.a.
Bucking Ham Palace of the Peoples
In England.

Greetings From Democratic Republic of Wogistan (Inc.)

I am instructed by esteemed president President Yoseph Flagrantlie (hollowed is his name) that said President Yoseph Flagrantlie does require seven seats in Royal Box at Wimbeleton Tennis Courts to watch Wogistan’s number one tennis player President Yoseph Flagrantlie win matches. President Flagrantlie has won all matches in Wogistan (Inc) except one to the late Major General Yoseph Tztortion.  Will win more.

President Yoseph Flagrantlie enter tennis tournament at Sochi Winter Olympics. But he such a feared opponent that no other nation turn up to play tennis. President Flagrantlie win Gold Silver and bronze medals, but Russian dictator Vladimir Putin refuse to give. We go war.

But we loves beloved British peoples in not U.S.a. We willing to be in fashionable tournament and be in royal box with your Phillip who went to school in Greece with second uncle of Wogistan Minister of War and Farm Implements, Yoseph Kazakstan.

Minister of War and Farm Implements Yoseph Kazakstan carry Presidents tennis racket. Not need seat.

With sincere facilitations,
Yoseph xxx
Yoseph Wankerstan
Foreign Secretary The Democratic Republic of Wogistan (Inc.)
Proprietor Spartacus Male Gym and Bathhouse.

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