Friday, June 24, 2011

Harawira Hard to Wear

Let me tell you about this sinking feeling I am experiencing. Likely it is similar to yours, and for the same reason: Hone Harawira. I have the sinking feeling that he is going to win tomorrow. Too many with too little common sense consider him akin to the Messiah—the great brown hope of Maoridom. Tai Tokerau is his fiefdom. I don’t think in fact he offers anything to Maoridom and his pattern in Parliament has been a consistent one of self-interest. In any other field but politics he would defy belief, as a man with no belief except self. But let’s not be unkind, let’s just except that he is a cretin. Albeit a cunning one. So, why is Fryday giving him any space? Only because I could not let a remark by Harawira on this morning’s Radio Live programmes go unremarked. Harawira was on the programme with the ever-reasonable Labour candidate Kelvin Davis. During a tense exchange between the two, moderated by Marcus Lush, it was Harawira who invited Davis to “shut your fat mouth.” A small matter perhaps. But then again if that childish rejoinder is all Harawira can come up with he deserves neither his position in Parliament nor the support he will get tomorrow. I am tempted to say those who vote for him will get what they deserve. And I guess they will. But frankly nobody deserves Harawira—not Tai Tokerau, not Maoridom, not this country.

Now playing: Meat Loaf - Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad (Live)
via FoxyTunes

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