Friday, June 12, 2020

Not so Special, K

Life seems to be measured in redundancies and the creation of them. We glorify in issues de jour and the 15 minutes of fame our drawing attention to them gives us. Usually, I ignore them, knowing they will go away, because there is nothing more boring or indeed redundant than an issue in which Television has lost interest.

But where I do have an issue—literally and figuratively—is the current attempt to make history redundant, or at least history as spoken in European terms. The manifestation of that is the removal and threat of removal of all statues recalling past colonisation—exclusively pakeha.

People, on both sides of the discussion divide, are getting very antsy about that, aren’t they? My issue is that they are focussing on that while a far greater and much more aged issue is getting no attention at all.

I am talking about the letter k.

I ask what possible use is it? We already have the letter C, which often serves the same purpose and sounds the same. The two are interchangeable with, I suggest, C being the more dominant. I say get rid of one or the other. Tip one into the harbour. Daub one with paint. Pull it down and leave the other. I see the one we leave being C because I would hate to see a kountry kalled Kanada and at least we get rid of the Kardashians.

Anyone want to join the movement? I have television coverage lined up.

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The Long Walk Back

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