Friday, December 23, 2016

Dear God: The Trump Years i

23 December 2016

Prairie Chapel Ranch


How long has it been since we chewed the fat? Too long, I reckoning. But this is how it is God—I have been busy. You know how it is, it is one thing to find God but sometimes you have to go away, count the stock and not let Him find you. So I let things settle for a while. Let you do your thing and kept my suggestions and advice to myself. Not that I think you did much wrong in that time. In fact in the beginning Laura and I reckoned you did real well in fact. Bit too much rope there for President Obama maybe but hey look at the shoes he had to fill!!! So you kept him on a loose lasso. Nothing wrong with that. But you kinda came unstuck there at the end didn’t you? Now I am not telling you how to do your job God, but you have to understand what politics is about in the United States and clearly you don’t have a fat buffalos turd of an idea of what goes on in our neck of the woods. You see, I don’t know how you run things up there, but this is how it is done down here. Think of it as a ranch. We only profit if we got good breeding stock. Big peckers. That’s what we look for in a President. You could look no further than Daddy and me for examples. We had the peckers. We had the breeding. Prime stock. And if you hadn’t got it wrong we would have had another Bush, Brother Jeb, in the White House. But, no you had to somehow persuade Donald Trump to throw his Stetson into the ring. What was you thinking? The man has got no class. He is rattier than gopher on heat. He ain't fit to walk in the footsteps of great Presidents like myself. And it is not me that is saying that, it is all my friends. They both agree that the world had gone downhill since my presidency and now we have reached the bottom of the gulch. You know that story you wrote up in the old testament about the burning of the bush? Well, that just the sure as heck is what you just done. You have burnt up my legacy. All the good things I did for the greatest country in the world, you are about to turn to bbq fodder. The Father, the Son and the Holy Toast! Now, I am not bitching at ya here. Laura reminds me of the old saying That God Moves in Mysterious Ways. And I can understand that you have your reasons for some of the things you done, tho you haven’t yet explained to me the Kardashians. But Donald Trump????? There was a time when you would have run that past me first. I guess we are not talking much these days. Maybe I will write to you again. I don’t know. All I can say is that right now, at this point of time, God, I am disappointed in you.

One day at a time,
GWB (President).

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