Friday, March 18, 2016

Living on Planet Dumb Arse

Are you following the NZ Herald’s daily updates on The Bachelor? I thought not. But have you thought to question why they are even there? It seems somewhat innocuous to have the smirks and scandals of a reality TV series as the daily staple of a once reputable new source. Is this yet another example of the dumbing down of New Zealand news coverage? Other dumbing downs would include coverage of Dancing with the Stars, The Green Party Annual Conference and anything to do with Teddy Sinclair —AKA Natalie Kills, and Mrs Moon. It is not that I am necessarily against dumbing down. In certain constituencies dumbing down can be an effective tool, look at Donald Trump—and what a tool he is. But in our major newspaper, and not even in the lifestyle section? I have a couple of friends who used to work in the Herald. They would be turning in their graves had they not had the good fortune to have not yet died or moved to Hamilton. I know what they are thinking on this issue; it can be summed up by one word: disappointed. In this morning’s Herald stories about the Bachelor are accompanied online by an article on why men fake an orgasm, why boredom is good for you (the Herald defending itself, perhaps?), and a piece about the worst lies you can tell at work. On the distaff there is a good investigative piece on why companies move profits off-shore and there is coverage of “prominent sexual violence advocate” (for or against, the Herald’s writer doesn’t declare), Louise Nicholas, opining that after recent judicial decisions, some New Zealand judges are living on Planet Dumb Arse. Well, I don’t know about judges, Louise, but apparently here in New Heraldland all the rest of us are.

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