Friday, June 27, 2014

When Money Talks, Money Walks

I must say that the Internet component of the Internet-Mana Party has put up some good-looking candidates with impressive credentials. Compensation for the other component, I guess.
Nevertheless, that may still not be enough for them to win any seats unless they can get in on the coattails of a Hone “What me Opportunist?” Harawira win in Tai Tokerau—and from what I am hearing in the north that is far from a foregone conclusion.
Without Hone, I don’t think Kim and his cronies can win at all—so any success in September will be well and truly a case of money talking. Kim Dotcom will have bought Hone, bought Mana and bought whatever seats those stained coattails will gift him. 
As for Hone, what has he bought? A lot of trouble? Perhaps. But he is no stranger to Trouble and if Trouble earned frequent flyer points Hone Harawira would not have to have so many taxpayer funded trips.
I think the greater question is what has he sold? Mana press officer Pam Corkery says the party and its principles will remain “unsullied” by the purported $3 million inject. I agree with her.  Hone and his party have not sold out, certainly not on a matter of principles, in that area they have nothing to sell. No, I think Hone and his party—or maybe just Hone—may have entered into this agreement for more prosaic purposes, based perhaps on precedent rather than principle.
Kim, some times money talks, some times it just walks.

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