Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Fryday

This is a day of meditation. I have meditated today. I have meditated on the origins of the term Good Friday. To describe this particular day as good seems strange to me, given that it the day Jesus Christ is purported to have been crucified. So as one does when one meditates on the great mysteries of the age one turns to Google. Even here though the mystery is not completely solved. There is in fact more than one explanation presented and no guidance as to which is more credible. So, Fryday précis both.
Some declare Good Friday is good  because Christ, by His Death, “showed His great love for man, and purchased for him every blessing.” Good, in this sense, means "holy," and indeed Good Friday is known as Holy and Great Friday among Eastern Christians, both Catholic and Orthodox. Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday in the Romance languages. This seems a good explanation, except for the fact that Good Friday is called good only in English. In its entry on Good Friday, the Catholic Encyclopedia notes: The origin of the term Good is not clear. Some say it is from “God's Friday" (Gottes Freitag); others maintain that it is from the German Gute Freitag, and not specially English. Sometimes, too, the day was called Long Friday by the Anglo-Saxons; so today in Denmark. If Good Friday were called good because English adopted the German phrase, then we would expect Gute Freitag to be the common German name for Good Friday, but it is not. Instead, Germans refer to Good Friday as Karfreitag—that is, Sorrowful or Suffering Friday—in German. So, in the end, the historical origins of why Good Friday is called Good Friday remain unclear and may never be known.
Nevertheless it is an important day in the Christian calendar and is deservedly revered as such by such. For the great majority it is also the beginning of our longest weekend of the year and will culminate in the shortest working week of the year. It is indeed a good good Friday; I hope you thoroughly enjoy yours.

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