Friday, August 16, 2013

Absolutely Positive

I am blessed to have a niece, a goddaughter and several friends who write letters. Not emails, though they do that as well, but snail-mail. It is a delight to receive such letters; there is of course the tactile sensation and also the implicit care, consideration and affection of such a missive. Usually I reply in kind and have bought special stationery fit for purpose. I wrote two letters this morning, both complimenting companies on their service. One is an electrician in Helensville, whom you will probably never meet and never need—unfortunate, because he is the best I have come across. But the other, an auto mechanic and tyre merchant in Silverdale called Cranefield Automotive, is well worth a try if you live in the vicinity. Both provide service well beyond expectation and, in the case of the mechanic, a complimentary bottle of wine! I have had a good run with service lately—Sam’s Butchery, also in Silverdale, is another and his bacon (thanks Rachel) is to die for. The common element with all of them is that they are good people with positive outlooks. That I find refreshing because it is the nature and role of my primary occupation to deal with the exact opposite. I saw both natures exhibited with some intensity on television this week. It was the Campbell versus Key debate over the GCSB. I am not saying Campbell is bad person nor am I saying I support Key in all he does, but on this occasion Campbell came across as churlish and even childish at times, whereas Teflon John came across as positively (literally) ebullient. No wonder he (Key) offered to come back to the show again; he obviously enjoyed himself so much on this occasion, and even Campbell if he puts a positive spin on it will I think welcome that as an opportunity to redeem himself. I look forward to round two. Anyway, try the two companies I mentioned and if you want the name of my electrician I’ll throw that in too—positively.

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