Friday, February 25, 2011

Bring Back Buffoonery

I have been thinking of buffoon. Buffoon is a word not often used today, which is strange because it is one of the few words in the English language that has an exact meaning and therefore not open to ambiguity. It means, according the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a ludicrous person. It does not mean idiot or wanker, which mean something else but often supplant buffoon these days. No, buffoonery has an exact meaning based on ludicrous and it should be brought back with haste because as I have seen in recent weeks and last night in particular there are so many to whom it so aptly affixes. Here is my list of current buffoons.

§ Hone Harawira—for throwing his toys out of the cot because one of his toys was not a ministerial limousine..

§ Moammar Gadhafi for having too many toys and using them to shoot people.

§ His son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, for saying the protests are the work of “drunks” –in a Muslim country.

§ Former Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld for insisting even today that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

§ George Bush Jr for employing Rumsfeld

§ George Bush Sr for having Junior.

§ The Egyptian who named his daughter Facebook.

§ The Mexican woman now in the ninth day of a hunger strike she plans to continue until she gets an invitation to Prince William’s wedding.

§ Me for calling it Prince William’s wedding rather than Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

§ Me (again) for forgetting—or not knowing—a good friend’s birthday (sorry Linda).

And finally, the biggest buffoon of them all…
§ Mark Sainsbury—for a tragic, tragic disaster that deserved reporting of gravitas not idiocy.

Now playing: Thomas Dolby - Dolby, Thomas with Robin Williams and Joan Cusack as "Steve and Yolanda" - The Mirror Song
via FoxyTunes

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