Friday, October 22, 2010

Helen Earth

Hell on earth did Helen Kelly get to have so much sway over the film industry and in particular the production of The Hobbit? Yes she is president of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions which purports to have 350,000 members which I doubt, but surely in that role her focus should be protecting the interests of members rather than decimating the industry that feeds them? However, the rights or wrongs of the industrial issue are not the issue of this Fryday—despite the fact that Helen Kelly has fostered just about every malcontent going from women’s rights to global warming (oh please!) and her crony Robin Malcolm is almost as bad. No, the issue at issue is who is Helen Kelly? Kelly is a common name but I wanted to know if she is related to the late Pat Kelly—a staunch communist and erstwhile secretary of the Cleaners and Caretakers Union in the 70s. So, where could I find out? Wikipedia of course. But do you know what? When I went there, the page on Helen Kelly had been “deleted.” Deleted? Why does that somehow unnerve me?

Now playing: Bob Dylan - Hurricane
via FoxyTunes

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The Long Walk Back

  Someone, it may have been Will Rogers, once said of California that it was as if the United States had tilted, and all the country’s nuts ...