Friday, March 20, 2009

The Bain of my life

Being the target of not infrequent attacks in the media, most recently this week, I am well aware of the danger of uninformed comment. In my case, as in most cases, those making such comments believe they are dealing with facts and certainties. Fact is they are not. Certainties exist, of course: we know, for example and for certain, that anybody who says they are acting in your best interests are not, that rugby league is a better game than rugby, that Hamilton is New Zealand’s placenta. But much else is speculation, opinion and perception. Such is the case with the David Bain case. I could voice an opinion as to guilt and innocence, many do, but it would be just that—opinion. Uninformed opinion. I wasn’t there on the day of the murders, nor have I spent a day at any of the trials. So, I am sitting on the sidelines and, despite some very good media coverage, I am nowhere near in a position to enter a verdict on this one. Ultimately, though, there will have to be one, and that will come from a jury. I don’t envy them, or anyone directly involved in this case. It will be okay if they find David Bain innocent, but a guilty verdict? What will happen then? The ramifications of that don’t bear thinking of and I can’t but help wonder whether that very “fact” won’t have some bearing on how this trial is conducted and its eventual verdict. But that is only speculation, opinion and perception. Right now, ahead of a leisurely weekend, I prefer the comfort of certainties like a Bulldogs win and one for the Warriors. Have a good one.

Now playing: Neil Young - Far From Home
via FoxyTunes

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