Friday, June 13, 2008

Fitting the Bill

I can’t say I am sorry to see the back of Hilary Clinton; I find it much preferable to her front. Bill probably does to, given that he spend much of his time these days tagging along behind. But in the final numbers before the national convention it is Hilary who is behind though it is, gratifyingly for her and no doubt Bill, quite a small behind. She may well be still in a position to pull it off with and for Barack Obama. The size of Obama’s constituency is of concern to him and Hilary’s ability to pull off many thousands of blue-collar workers will no doubt appeal to him, as it no doubt does to them. If Hilary can spread what many see as her best asset and sweetly pull in a huge constituency seeking instant relief she will be giving Obama the hand he desperately needs, while blowing off McCain at the same time. She has already demonstrated she can get down deep and dirty, though not perhaps as visibly as husband Bill. Obama is yet to do so, or even to give any indication that he likes to do so. Which is probably why, when I think about it, he hasn’t gone down, and Hillary has.

Now playing: Tony Joe White - Catawalling Alley In Nice
via FoxyTunes

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