Friday, May 30, 2008

Monkey see, monkey do

“Using only its brainpower, a monkey can direct a robotic arm to pluck a marshmallow from a skewer and stuff it into its mouth, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.”

This Reuters story from Chicago put me in mind of Dr Cullen’s budget presentation last week. The analogy of the good doctor being the monkey and the Prime Minister being the robotic arm is inescapable. Increasingly, we are finding that the Prime Minister and much of her party are on auto-pilot as their third term in office winds down. Only Dr Cullen, that master Machiavellian manipulator, shows any of the fire that in the past so consistently trounced a permanently frustrated and insular National Party. And it has to be said, in Fryday’s view, the National Party has not changed with the advent of John Key. If anything, it seems to be more confused and conflicted than ever. So, The National Party can take no credit and no complacency from the state of the Labour Party. National could still win the election in October, but that may be because Labour lost it, literally and figuratively. And here is an interesting point—does Labour want to win? Of course they do. And for the most superficial reasons: the perks of power. But with a recession coming on, inherent tiredness (even exhaustion) there already and the prospects of highly-paid jobs in the private sector or international stage already lined-up it could it be suggested that Cullen and Clark want to go and to leave it to Goff, et al. There is no doubt that even at this late stage Cullen in particular can pull something out of (and of) the old fire. The question is whether, with what he sees in prospect, he will do it?

This week we honour the Queen. R.I.P. Freddie.

Now playing: Queen - Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Lo
via FoxyTunes

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