Friday, January 4, 2008

The Panelbeater's Wife

Nickname’s etymology is drawn from the Old English misdivision ekename, meaning (then as it does now) an additional name. Many of us have them. They can stem from any number of facets, including our physical characteristics, occupations and, often most endearingly of all, relationships. Rarely are nicknames derogatory and for that reason most are accepted by the recipient, even if begrudgingly.

In its formative years Fryday made good use of nicknames. Usually they were used at the end of each Fryday in a pithy but prescient message to a specific reader. Nicknames such as Hardman, Petmeat and Frybrosis hid the identity of those readers but were descriptive enough so they at least knew who they were. The aforementioned are still readers, as are Raygunn, Rust and the much loved LilTease and Paris. But the concept itself has fallen into disuse. I don’t know why—perhaps it was because thinking up those statements often took longer than Fryday itself. And, in any case, no-one seemed to mind that they were no longer mentioned; some may have been even glad of it.

It is not my intent to renew the practice but it is my intent to use it to pay tribute to two sincere friends, one of whom I farewell today: They are Vicks and Smitten. They know who they are. Vicks is the more recent friend but alone of the two brings with her that most gratifying if perplexing of tautologies: fate and destiny. I know she will always be there; moreover I know she was always meant to be. Smitten I have known longer. When I first met her she was a panelbeater’s wife and needed help in all manner of matters. She was and is a strong person but much has gone on in her life that is unconscionable and undeserved. I have never had any doubt of her survival but how she has survived with the retention of such good humour and generosity is beyond me. Vicks, because she knows her, will I think be of the same view.

Today Smitten leaves the job that has drawn us together for the second time. In that and in the job she is going to she has made the right decisions and I wish her well. But there is a degree of sadness and loss there as well. Friendships are resilient and always to be revered, but one that lacks the intimacy of proximity and any substance but memory is always a little more…empty.

Now playing: Dusty Springfield - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
via FoxyTunes

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