Friday, October 26, 2007

The Fire Below

George W. Bush up to and in his early years as President believed he had the God-given right to be leader of the Free World. He might have been right and had that right. Even if not, his delusions of and allusions to grandeur are still understandable. If you have a taste and indeed a driving necessity for acceptance and ratification why not shoot for the top, particularly when that of the literal and paternal definition of “our father” has been less than forthcoming? George then took one step further in making it abundantly clear, particularly in the setting of social and foreign policies, that the will of the American electorate (twice) is somewhat secondary to that of God (interpreted). So young men and women die in Iraq and malformed foetuses do not. Such is the will of George W. Bush with God side-lined in apparent compliant silence. Or is God that silent? Might we now think that He has finally lost patience with his self-proclaimed protégé? That the problems now besetting the Bush Presidency may in fact be God-Given? One can of course exclude the man-made that eroded the electorate’s faith in the current President—they include the scandals that resulted in the resignation of so many in his administration and contributed to the departure of “good people” whose belief turned to disgust. But then we have natural events such as the hurricane that destroyed New Orleans, and now the fires of California. Were they sent by God to teach Bush a lesson? It is humbling and somewhat frightening to think so, but the answer, of course, is probably not. However, allow me my flight of fantasy. And allow me to go even further: would it not be interesting to think that with the “Bush fires” of California, as tragic as they are, God is now saying to Bush, “Look, I have named these fires after you as parting gift. Now, get the Hell out of the White House before I really lose My cool?”

Now playing: Lou Reed - I'm Waiting For The Man
via FoxyTunes

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