Friday, July 12, 2013

I have the foggiest

I am red with embarrassment.
Having taken the mickey out of Hamilton last Fryday because it was shrouded in fog I now find that Auckland too is susceptible to the same spoliation. This morning has to the foggiest I can recall. I cannot see as far as my front gate and what is beyond I leave to intuition and memory. At least such it is in Helensville; and that is deeply worrying. I would hate to think the fog is confined to Helensville rather than blanketing all of Auckland, because that would mean the town I live in has yet another similarity to Hamilton. It is already going nowhere, deeply depressed and shut on Sundays. Now it too is afraid to show its face.  Helensville has become, I am afraid, like Hamilton—the Peter Dunne of towns.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Flat, below sea level and shrouded in fog

When I was a young man I was visited from beyond the grave.

My visitor, in most respects courteous and gracious though dead, told me a curious story. He said that when he was alive and I was a boy he had been introduced to me but not as it transpired accurately. He was, he said,  introduced as a family friend. He was not. He was in fact my grandfather’s brother, my granduncle or great-uncle depending on the nomenclature. The reason for the duplicity was that he had been disowned by the family when he became a conscientious objector in WWI. From that time and until his visit, and after, the family had not spoken to or of him. *

I have not spoken of Hamilton for a long time. No problem. Nor has anyone else. We all seem to have forgotten Hamilton. Forgotten—not ignored; to ignore someone he or she must have done something to ignore. Hamilton has not.

She has certainly kept a low profile. Not hard when you are flat, below sea level and shrouded in fog. I am certain she still exists, why else would the multitude of travellers going south go the long route to avoid her? Or are they too being deceived?

Has Hamilton simply disappeared?

Yes. I am afraid to say it has. Proof has come from Hamilton itself (a dichotomy) evidenced by a visit to the Passionate Hamilton (an oxymoron) Facebook page, which often features live-cam photos of the city. Above is this morning’s.
* Many years later I spoke to my grandmother about my granduncle. She was shocked but confirmed the veracity of the story he told. It was true. I suppose many families have relatives they would rather forget or not talk about for whatever reason. In our case it was my granduncle; In New Zealand’s case it’s Hamilton.


Why is Trump Trying to Explain this Crash?

  It is rare for Fryday to cover the same subject two weeks in a row, but President Donald J. Trump's pontifications ...