Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Key Factor

Last week's Fryday commenting on the election and performance of New Zealand's new Prime Minister John Key generated more response than any Fryday of recent times. Those of you who rushed to Key's defence, and there were many of you, may be interested and chastened to know that you were equalled in number by those who agreed with Fryday that Key's election-night performance left a lot to be desired. So, I have to say, did your argument in his favour. Most who defended Key did so on the somewhat superficial basis that he (Key) was at least better than Clark. So? Whilst I agree with you in the Clark comparison, by putting that forward you missed entirely the point Fryday was making. And that was that by his waffling, clichés and goofy grin on election night and his flip-flops on issues such as the Maori seats during the election John Key has exhibited none of the decisiveness that we would expect and now need in a new leader. Yes, change is all to the good, but how good? Certainly not to the scale nor scope of the American election night result. We could have done better. But there is only one Obama and America (and the world) needs him more than we do. We'll settle for Key. After all, we have no choice.

Now playing: Kris Kristofferson - From the Bottle to the Bottom
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, November 8, 2008

McCain, you've done it again (not!)

Senator John McCain
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500 NOT!!!

Dear John,

Well, you did it. Or you didn't do it, that is. Here you had a great opportunity to retain the Presidency for the Republicans and retain all the great work I have done for these United Sates of America and other places and you failed. You let the black guy win.

I new he would. I new the moment I came to you and said, John, let me help you. Let me help you by offering the great love the American people have for me and for their God. Let me endorse you and your campaign. I new you would loose when you replied "P**s off, I rather spend another six years in a Hanoi Jail."

You passed up a great opportunity there John--my help, not the Hanoi thing, I mean. So the black guy is in. You're out. I'm out. God is out. And you know what, and may I be Frank here John? None of that matters. What matters is that Sarah didn't get in. Sarah Palin was the best move you made John, all though I think it probably had more to do with God than you. She was what this country needs. She, by rites, was something this country wanted and needed. Someone just like me to carry on.

But you failed her John. You failed her. You failed me. You failed God and you failed the world. You are a looser John and take that from someone who nose.

I wont write to you again.

George W. Bush
President of these United States of America.

Now playing: Deep Purple - Love Child
via FoxyTunes

Why is Trump Trying to Explain this Crash?

  It is rare for Fryday to cover the same subject two weeks in a row, but President Donald J. Trump's pontifications ...